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investing in tomorrow's city


We live or work in the Castle Baynard Ward.​​

We are standing collectively for the March 2025 Common Councillor elections - as independent individuals with a common aim. We are not a political party.

We want to support the work that Alderwoman Martha Grekos (the Leader for Castle Baynard Ward) has been doing in our Ward to improve the conditions and environment for all the residents and workers who live and work alongside us.

We believe that positive change will come if we unite and stand up for every resident and business

that invests in our Ward.

We have come together under the name of the Iceni who were a significant power in Celtic Britain. Probably best known for their resistance to Roman rule and led by Queen Boudica, they were an industrious and loyal people.

We intend likewise to work hard and fight for improvements to our community and to our City.

Promoted by Tana Adkin KC, Beth Coombs, Sue Farrington, Josephine Hayes, Helen Ladele, Vasiliki Manta, Leyla Ostovar and Stephanie Steeden of 108 Fleet Street, London, EC4A 2AF

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