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The Tribe’s ethos

We will be champions for change - working alongside Alderwoman Martha Grekos and organisations like the Fleet Street Quarter BID (Business Improvement District) to improve the living and working environment in the Castle Barnard Ward;

We will be politically independent, negotiating and collaborating with those willing and able to tackle the issues that the Ward and the City of London face;

We will be a voice for the Ward's residents and workers when decisions are being made and ensure a proper democratic process is followed;

We will be active in seeking out and harnessing new opportunities for growth and sustained improvements for the Ward and its people. In particular we want to harness the proven economic and social benefits of having more women leaders

on the Common Council (banks and other businesses across the City are seeing growth where women leaders are in post);

We will be honest, acting at all times with integrity, dedicated to the people of the Ward, listening to the issues that cause concern and doing our very best to solve sticky problems while keeping our constituents informed;

We will be creative thinkers, engaging in a new dialogue with businesses, residents and developers in the Ward and the City on the environment and sustainability for the benefit of all who live and work here now and in the future.

Promoted by Tana Adkin KC, Beth Coombs, Sue Farrington, Josephine Hayes, Helen Ladele, Vasiliki Manta, Leyla Ostovar and Stephanie Steeden of 108 Fleet Street, London, EC4A 2AF

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